Moore Stephens

COVID-19 – Our commitment: limit the spread

In view of our great concern for the health of our colleagues, customers and partners, and our desire to maintain flawless service, we have put in place a number of measures to help limit the spread of the coronavirus.

    • Teleworking:
      Several of our colleagues will continue to work from home, as our technological infrastructure is designed to accommodate this. You will therefore be contacted before the start of the mandate in order to establish the optimal terms of our interventions.

    • Hygiene measures:
      Our offices remain open, but are now subject to reinforced hygiene and maintenance procedures. If a visit to our offices proves desirable, we ask for your cooperation in limiting the spread. You will need to register as a visitor and follow our hygiene protocol. But don’t hold it against our colleagues if they don’t shake your hand – it’s part of our safety procedures. We will, however, give preference to virtual meetings at your convenience.

    • Group activities:
      We have of course ceased our networking activities and participation in conferences. In-house meetings and training sessions will be conducted by videoconference. We have also prohibited our employees from traveling outside Quebec in the course of their duties. All our colleagues returning from abroad are now subject to a 14-day quarantine before they can return to our offices; we are asking for your cooperation in this respect too.

Since the situation is constantly evolving, we remain proactive in our mitigation measures and highly attentive to the consequences that may result.

Upcoming regular communications
Over the next few days and weeks, we’ll be in touch with you more frequently, so that we can better support you with the measures available to help your company through this exceptional situation: tax measures, government assistance, your responsibilities as an employer, support for your financial health, etc.

We intend to show you, once again, that we are your business allies.

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