Moore Stephens

A sense of belonging – a team responsibility

It’s no longer a secret to managers: people are the key to any organization’s performance! Making employees passionate and committed, loving their work and identifying with the organization is not a matter of magic or chance! On the contrary, it requires...

New inheritance tax rules

NEW TAX RULES FOR ESTATES AND TESTAMENTARY TRUSTS EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2016 One of the main changes eliminates graduated tax rates for estates and testamentary trusts. Indeed, beyond the 36-month period following the date of death, the estates and testamentary trusts...

Relevé 31 – owners of apartment buildings

A NEW FORM FOR OWNERS OF APARTMENT BUILDINGS In its March 2015 budget, the Quebec Ministry of Finance had announced a revision of the solidarity tax credit with the aim of facilitating its application. To achieve this, owners of apartment buildings will now have to...

How to recover from a mistake… with honor!

HOW TO RECOVER FROM AN ERROR… WITH HONOR! It’s virtually impossible not to make mistakes in the course of a career. How do you get out of it without losing “too many points”? Admit your mistake before your superior… …learn it from...

16 tips to increase your influence

16 TIPS TO INCREASE YOUR INFLUENCE IN THE WORKPLACE! Developing your ability to influence is essential to a successful career! You may have expertise, skills and good judgment, but if you can’t influence the right people and get your ideas across, they may not...